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The report states that many musicians would not workfor black troops. Eventually both the 7th Regular Infantry and 22nd Regimental bands applied, the former beingchosen. There were many difficulties and inequities in recruitment that the Club had toovercome, some more successfully than others. For instance, when initially authorized to recruit, the AdjutantGeneral's office communicated certain guidelines. The recruits would only receive the $75 state bounty, whateverlocal bounty there might be, but there would be no U. S. ; VAN BREDA, M. F. Teoria da Contabilidade. Traduo de Antnio ZorattoSanvicente. So Paulo: Atlas, 2007.
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Martins Press, 1990, p. 226. 5. This interview is part of the documentary, Earths Two Minute Warning, narrated by Caryl Matrisciana of Caryl Productions. 6. See Bill Christoffersons book, The Man from Clear Lake: Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson University of Wisconsin Press, 2004, p. 6. 7. Ibid. , p. 6.
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Which is a record that stands on its own. Keep it going fellows. Nearly five weeks on the road and rain every other day it seems, yet, even the gloom of night cannot stop these warriors. Today was another cold day with rain from evening until midnight!This kind of weather our human nerves normally do not like. Nevertheless, 4 of the 5 heroess made it over 96 km. Respect.
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