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Fault linesf. High unemploymenth. Coastal floodingg. High foreclosure ratesGOOD YELLOWEASTERN AND CENTRAL CANADA GERMANYSWITZERLANDPOLANDCOSTA RICA BOLIVIASURINAMECHILEARGENTINAPERUURUGUAYBRAZILNORTHERN CHINA TIBETAN PLATEAU CENTRAL RUSSIA CENTRAL AUSTRALIAFor immediate release: March 15, 2011Contact: Amanda Cleary, , 718 488 8426BROOKLYN BRIDGE PARK RECEIVES SOLAR POWERED CHARGING STATION TO POWER ELECTRIC VEHICLESBeautiful Earth Groups charging station is first of its kind in New York CityBROOKLYN, NY Brooklyn Bridge Park and Beautiful Earth Group BE, a Brooklyn based renewable energy company, announced today the arrival of a state of the art solar powered electric vehicle charging station to Brooklyn Bridge Park a world class 85 acre sustainable waterfront park with iconic views of the New York Harbor and Manhattan skyline. Designed and built by BE, the station is the first solar powered charging station in New York City and one of only a few in the world. Brooklyn Bridge Park will use the donated station to charge its electric service vehicles EVs using only the power of the sun. This project greatly enhances the Parks already impressive sustainability efforts, which include the reuse of materials from demolished buildings, use of native plant species, reintroduction of marine habitats and management of rainwater and runoff. Using solar power to operate its EVs will yield significant cost savings for Brooklyn Bridge Park more than $200,000 in gasoline costs, and tens of thousands of dollars in electricity costs, over the 25 year lifetime of the project. More than 530 tons of CO2 would have been emitted during this period had the Park chosen to use traditional service vehicles. On behalf of Brooklyn Bridge Park, I thank Beautiful Earth for the gift of this pioneering solar powered charging station for the parks fleet of electric vehicles, said President of Brooklyn Bridge Park Regina Myer. Brooklyn Bridge Park is New Yorks premiere sustainably built and operated public park and the charging station furthers our mission to honor the environment and conserve resources.
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Without it he is finished. "McCain's a dinosaur. " So was matchmaking. So was decency. People don't understand this issue. They see Osama and think he's the best candidate because he's appears to have more favor. Never look for consistancy, for Artificial Intelligence is infinitly dynamic:::They make W sound like an idiot when he speaks for a different reason. Also, "sumbling" and "idiot" likely have separate meanings associated. Sorry. It's not supposed to be easy. The gods have their plan and they aren't going to allow any "do gooders" interfere with how they intend to proceed:::When they put forth good they create tactics to play off the public's misconceptions::::Make him stumble over his words, etc.
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The 9th largest country in the worldand largest landlocked country,despite only having a population of 16. 5million,this former Soviet republic has been making massive economic advances in the last 10 15 years, with spiralling GDP growth built largely on its large oil and gas reserves, as well as a booming mining industry. Its strategic location, having long borders with both China and Russia, makes it a major player in the movement of Natural gas/oil in the region. Its growth rates have averaged just over 9% since 2000See Fig 1. Kazakhstan has been able to take advantage of rising oil prices which have nearly tripled in these years. Kazakh revenues have increased from approx $4. 5 billion to over $55 billion See Fig 2. Considering that total GDP in the nation is a little over 178 billion, it is clear to see that oil revenues have played a major part in the dramatic uptick in Kazakh economic fortunes. By 2020, Kazakhstan plans to be amongst the top 10 oil exporters in the world. It would be unfair however to simply state that Kazakhstan has only ridden the wave of rocketing oil prices. Systematic reform has been occurring in former centrally planned Soviet economy.