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Polos, H. Wagner. Structure elucidation of plumbagin analogues from Dionaea muscipula and their immunomodulating activities in vitro and in vivo. Molecular Recognition. Int. Symposium Sopron, Hungary, August, 24 27, 1988. Gujar, G. T. Plumbagin, a naturally occurring naphthoquinone. Its pharmacological and pesticidal activity. Fitoterapia 61 5, 387 394, 1990Itolgawa, M.
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This means that it would find its way beyond my preconceptionsIt is the unknown quantity from which and where I want to go. As a thing, an object, it accedes to its non logical self. It is something, it is nothing. Eva Hesse January 11, 1936 May 29, 1970, was a German born American sculptor, known for her pioneering work in materials such as latex, fiberglass, and plastics. Painting sacr coeur from the ancient rue norvins in Montmartre, Paris, 1946. Photo by Edward Clark, from the great LIFE photographers. Source:Artist and Studio Alexander Calder July 22, 1898 November 11, 1976 was an American sculptor and artist most famous for inventing mobile sculptures. P: in his studio, 1941 Francis Picabia was a French painter, poet, and typographist, associated with both the Dada and Surrealist art movements. I never thought of myself as a feminist. Im a woman, and I act upon that premise, but it was more that I was interested in my approach to materials as a woman. Lynda Benglis born October 25, 1941 in Lake Charles, Louisiana is an American sculptor known for her wax paintings and poured latex sculptures.