Schoolcraft College Academic Calendar Winter 2019
So Paulo: Atlas, 2007. HOPWOOD, A. G. Accounting and Environment. Accounting, Organizations and Society, v. 34, p. 433 439. 2009. Disponvel em: . Acesso em 04 de novembro de 2013. LINDBLOM, C.

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R. , Davidson, A. and Laroche, M. , 2017. What managers should know about the sharing economy. Business Horizons, 601, 113 121.
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CLL is cited as an example of a humanistic approach. Another language teaching tradition with which CLL is linked is a set of practices used in certain kinds of bilingual education programs and referred to by Mackey as language alteration. In language alteration, a message/lesson/class is presented first in the native tongue and then again in the second language. Students know the meaning and flow of a L2 message from their recall of the parallel meaning and flow of a L1 message. They begin to holistically piece together a view of the language out of these message sets. In CLL, a learner presents a message in L1 to the knower.
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All of our customers that came into our store would playevery one of em, Jerry recalled. The loyal customer known as Six Pack of Strohs became Six Pack of Strohs and Five Quick Picks. Jerry offered 16 or 18 different instant games, earning a 6 percent commission from the state on every ticket sold and 2 percent of winning tickets cashed at his store. He advertised in the local paper, and when sales fell on a particular game, he took the unsold tickets and taped brand new pennies to them. Those are lucky pennies, hed tell his customers, who would then buy the tickets. Soon he was selling $300,000 in lottery tickets per year, pocketing about $20,000 of that in profit. The biggest prize a customer ever won at his store was $100,000. Despite running a vice depot, the Selbees were teetotalers. They didnt smoke or drinkJerry permitted himself a single dark beer at Christmasand Marge avoided the lottery entirely, disliking the sense of risk. Jerry bought a couple of tickets from time to time, but to him, the lottery was only interesting as a phenomenon with order, a set of rules mediated by math and a marketplace. The machine was so successful, however, that he and Marge were able to build a small addition to the store, and he hired an extra clerk to run the machine on the days of the weekly drawings, when business was especially brisk.
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Risse Kappen ed. 1995, Bringing Transnational Relations Back In. Non State Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. C. Rootes ed. 1999, Environmental Movements.