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If you click on it, it will take you directly to the home page of this website. I want to thank those of you who write to me about linking to this website and express my appreciation for the compliment implied. I hope you find this image helpful. And for those of you that have found this "tech talk" either too technical or totally boring, my apologies. : Recently, a new method for viewing the Internet without a computer has become commercially available. Called WebTV, it allows viewers to use their own televisions in conjunction with a modestly priced control box to browse the World Wide Web. This website has already had its first WebTV viewer, who wrote me after experiencing difficulties viewing the "Examine The Shroud" page. He was unable to select areas on the Master Image to view in closeups. He also wrote to WebTV, who promptly provided the following response which I am including here for anyone else experiencing similar problems:"Outline and click on the big picture of the Shroud. Then you will notice a little arrow pop up inside the picture. You can move the arrow by using the up/down/left/right arrow keys.

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Subzero sleeping bags are a topic of constant conversation, three words murmured or proclaimed with defiance and shivers. The morning after the big snow, I expected to find the occupiers blue lipped and worried. Right before the storm, the city had confiscated their generators, used for emergency heat, among other things, and the bicycle powered batteries theyd been building for just such a contingency were not yet ready to pedal. The wet snow collapsed tents, and the wind blew away tarps and signs and extra clothing. Copies of the Occupied Wall Street Journal whipped up into the night and plastered sidewalks. But as I made my way to the park the next morning, the camp was sparkling.
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Our coaches were yelling. Parents were screaming. A mom on the opposing team cringed and laughed. She saw it. I remember her smug little face. My son took the ball at midfield, bolted up the line and blew past the defender, all grass between him and the goalie.
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These are pieces that would be considered evergreen content because the topics will continue to be relevant into the foreseeable future. These sites publish huge quantities of evergreen articles on a wide variety of topics. Wikipedia, for example, ranks on the first page for almost half of all Google searches!However, in an effort to churn out pieces, some of these evergreen sites end up producing low quality articles. Its good to visit these sites not only to see good examples of evergreens, but also to investigate how some of these sites are lacking, and what you could write to improve them. Evergreen content is a valuable part of a good content marketing strategy for the web, but it becomes even more powerful when combined with SEO techniques. Consider basing your evergreen pieces around keywords youd like your site to rank on. Even the most lasting evergreen piece isnt worth much if people arent searching for that topic or if it doesnt relate to your business, so do your keyword research. Be sure to follow basic SEO techniques like on page keyword optimization but not keyword stuffing!, making use of your images alt text, and including social sharing buttons. The more search friendly your evergreen article is, the more it can be seen, shared, and linked, driving traffic for months or even years to come. Dont Write for the Experts Sometimes you may feel the urge to write a piece showing off your expertise of a certain subject, but this can be a big mistake. Experts are less likely to be searching for helpyour audience is primarily beginners, and you want to generate content aimed at them.