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These wage strikes gained the most traction in larger cities likeNew York City, where low Uber driver wages were making it difficult for driversto maintain a decent standard of living. Despite the turnout, many Uber drivers chose to ignorethe strike, and so transportation services were mostly unaffected. In the faceof this public scrutiny, however, Uber elected to raise the minimum wage oftheir drivers in California. Still, some drivers are attempting to fatten theirbottom line any way they can, and this has led to the practice of long haulingto increase their total clocked mileage. Uber drivers are participants in what is known as a gig economy, which means they do receive employee insurance and other benefits that are standard for most workers. The lack of protection leaves them vulnerable to labor exploitation.

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But then there were students like Jennae Arnold, a soft spoken eighth grader who picked challenging titles like "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines and "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison, of which she wrote, partly in text message speak: "I would have N3V3R thought of or about something like that on my own. " The approach McNeill uses, in which students choose their own books, discuss them individually with their teacher and one another, and keep detailed journals about their reading, is part of a movement to revolutionize the way literature is taught in America's schools. While there is no clear consensus among English teachers, variations on the approach, known as reading workshop, are catching on. In New York City many public and private elementary schools and some middle schools already employ versions of reading workshop. Starting this fall, the school district in Chappaqua, N. Y. , is setting aside 40 minutes every other day for all sixth, seventh and eighth graders to read books of their own choosing. In September students in Seattle's public middle schools will also begin choosing most of their own books. And in Chicago the public school district has had a pilot program in place since 2006 in 31 of its 483 elementary schools to give students in grades 6, 7 and 8 more control over what they read. Chicago officials will consider whether to expand the program once they review its results.
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