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During the days journey we passed through three narrow belts of hedge tree scrub, which was very thick. There does not seem to be so much of that as we get to the north, neither is there so much of the tall mulga. We have not seen a drop of water since we left the camp. Camped without it. Wind, south. Day very hot.

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Clams are bivalve mollusks that live in saltwater or freshwater habitats. They belong to the family of bivalves consisting of oysters, mussels, scallops, etc. Each one of them have unique characteristics, with different shapes, colors, and sizes. M. I. T. ?HALT is an acronym that serves as a relapse prevention tool people in early recovery from alcohol and drug addiction have in their repertoire. It's a handy reminder of behaviors/states of minds/situations that are triggers to relapse. But it doesn't just apply to addiction, it can work for all of us. H Don't Get Too HungryHunger can be a trigger to drink or use. But how many of us starve ourselves in anticipation of a holiday event and then binge when we get there?A Don't Get AngryWhen we aren't in control of our emotions, it can lead to unhealthy and/or nonproductive behaviors.
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