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City Lights was released as a dual format Blu ray and DVD by the Criterion Collection in 2013, both of which include trailers of the film, archival footage from production, and an audio commentary track by Chaplin biographer and scholar Jeffrey Vance, among others. The new cover was illustrated by Canadian cartoonist Seth. In 1952, Sight and Sound magazine revealed the results of its first poll for "The Best Films of All Time"; City Lights was voted 2, after Vittorio DeSica's Bicycle Thieves. In 2002, City Lights ranked 45th on the critics' list. That same year, directors were polled separately and ranked the film as 19th overall. In 1991, the Library of Congress selected City Lights for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. " In 2007, the American Film Institute's tenth anniversary edition of 100 Years. 100 Movies ranked City Lights as the 11th greatest American film of all time, an improvement over the 76th position on the original list. AFI also chose the film as the best romantic comedy of American cinema in 2008's "10 Top 10". The Tramp was number 38 on AFI's list of the 50 Best Heroes, and the film ranked at 38th among the funniest films, 10th among the greatest stories, and 33rd on the most inspiring films. City Lights was ranked seventeenth on Cahiers du cinma's 100 Greatest Films, a 2008 poll of 78 film historians and critics organized by Claude Jean Philippe.

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To organize the functioning of a political electoral research, training and promotion institute. Article 220. The Electoral Dispute Settlement Court shall be comprised of five standing members, who shall hold a six year term of office. The Electoral Dispute Settlement Court shall be partially renewed every three years, two members the first time, three the second time, and so on. There shall be five alternate members who shall be renewed in the same way as the standing members. The Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of the Court shall be chosen from among its standing members and shall hold a three year term of office. To be a member of the Electoral Dispute Settlement Court, one must be an Ecuadorian citizen, be in possession of political rights, hold a university degree in law that is legally recognized in the country and to have practiced with notable rectitude the profession of attorney at law, as member of the Judiciary, or university instructor in law for a minimum of ten years. Article 221. The Electoral Dispute Settlement Court has the following attributions, in addition to those provided for by law:1. To hear and resolve electoral appeals against actions taken by the National Electoral Council and the deconcentrated bodies and the litigation matters of political organizations. 2.
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Occasionally, some people develop bad breath stinky tonsils when tonsilloliths whitish deposits on and in tonsils develop. These deposits are often dislodged when the patient coughs, but in some individuals food particles get trapped and bacteria attack the food particles and produce the bad odor. Removal of these deposits may be done by a qualified healthcare professional. Strep throat is caused by infection with Group A Streptococcus GAS bacteria, specifically Streptococcus pyogenes. The streptococcal infection invades the pharyngeal tissue and causes a localized inflammatory reaction of the throat and tonsils. These bacterial organisms are often found in the throat or on the skin, and are responsible for other illnesses as well, such as impetigo a skin infection. Some individuals may carry Group A Streptococcus in the throat or on the skin and not exhibit any signs or symptoms of disease asymptomatic. Strep throat is most common in school aged children and teens, with a peak incidence between 5 to 15 years of age. It is estimated that approximately 15% to 40% of cases of sore throat in this age group are caused by Streptococcus spp bacteria. Adults may also develop strep throat, though less commonly accounts for approximately 5% to 10% of cases of sore throat. Strep throat most commonly occurs between late fall and early spring.
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