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Under the auspices of the Urania Trust, the MichelGauquelin Research Fund has already been established with pledgedbacking from both the Astrological Association and the Faculty ofAstrological Studies. The purpose of this fund is to encourageastrological research at the highest level; in essence, to continue thework of Michel Gauquelin. From Francoise Schneider GauquelinKnowing that I had been Michel's first wife from 1954 to 1985 and anenthusiastic collaborator of his astrological research projects . aneighbor that the fire department had been asked to breakinto our research laboratory LERRCP to find out why Michel had notbeen seen walking in and out of the house as usual. Alas he was foundlifeless on his couch with an empty vial of sleeping pills and a letterto his sister explaining his decision to end his life. It seems terriblysad to me that such a dynamic and resourceful researcher finally gave uppursuing this difficult career in a bout of depression.

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26 The protection of religious liberty was important to all of the religious groups of Washington, and was protected by the First Amendment in the United States Constitution. As the masons, Lutherans, and Adventists realized, the passing of Initiative 49 would have been detrimental to more than just the Catholics, for if passed it could have led to other initiatives targeting other religious groups in Washington. Labor organizations, like the Seattle Central Labor Council, also opposed the initiative, arguing that it attacked fundamental liberties and restricted the ability of parents to raise their children in the way they saw fit, following the stand taken by the American Federation of Labor on the issue. 27 The Labor Council adopted a resolution opposing the Klans attempt to place the measure on the ballot, and went further in denouncing the Klans efforts to stir up strife and dissension by pushing the anti Catholic initiative. 28 The support of non religious groups, such as the Labor Council and American Federation of Labor broadened the opposition to the initiative to include civil, as well as religious, liberties. That so many different groups in Washington opposed this initiative is vital to the fact that it did not pass. Not only were different religious groups, both Catholic and Protestant, coming together in opposition to the bill, but there was also a strong voice from other groups that had no religious affiliation. Along with the labor and newspaper groups opposing the initiative, the large cities of Spokane, in eastern Washington, and Tacoma, in western Washington, took stands opposing the measure. Reported the Catholic Northwest Progress in June of 1924, Spokane Citizens are organized to fight Ku Klux Klan Bill. Two thousand workers volunteerwithdrawals come in rapidly. 29 A month later, the paper reported that the people of Tacoma also rallied together in support of the fight against Initiative 49.
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D. , The Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, NM 87106, Ph: 505 272 1817, Email: fMRI interpretive methods rest on a priori hypotheses about the time courses of component brain functions that comprise the experimental task, and frequently reflect experimenters assumptions about the functional capacities of particular brain regions and how they act individually versus collectively. For a complex behavior like driving, these assumptions may be questioned; additional complexities exist because multiple brain circuits are not only activated simultaneously, but in a complex manner where a particular region may contribute differentially to several circuits. The multiple responses of skilled driving overlap and interact in ways that make modeling their time course uncertain. Accordingly, we explore the application of a data driven approach, independent component analysis ICA, in this complex behavioral context. ICA extracts covarying ensembles of voxel time courses without needing an a priori specification of onsets and offsets. Rather, the onsets and offsets are compared to the time courses estimated using ICA. In our analysis we use group ICA, an approach pioneered by our group, which produces subject specific maps and timecourses Calhoun, et al. 2001; Erhardt, et al. In Press. Based on the anatomic regions which contribute most to each components, we can interpret them in terms of well known neurophysiological networks as discussed in Calhoun, et al.
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Nevertheless, the monuments proved veryeffective in reasserting the South's unique brand of white supremacy, brainwashingmany ignorant Americans elsewhere in the country, and keeping blacks in theirsubservient position. Even more significant, however, was the change inthe worldview of southern Christians in the wake of their Civil Wardefeat. "Prior to the Civil War, it wasgenerally popular for white Christians to be what theologians callpostmillennialist: to believe that Christ will return for this victoriousperiod only when society has advanced sufficiently toward the ideal of aChristian civilization. The establishment of the confederacy representedprogress toward God's ideal for human society. " But, "the Lost Cause generation began to adopt a premillennialisttheology that held the opposite: the present world represents the work of asinful and fallen humanity, it will continue to decline, and it will beredeemed only by a second coming of Christ. This view was widely spread by thepublication of the Scofield Reference Bible "in 1909. As Dr. Jones tells us, "The most significant outcomeof the shift is that the logic of premillennialist theology undercuts calls tosocial justice, since it proceeds from the presumption that the world is evil andin continued decline. The presence of injustice is the unsurprising outcome ofa fallen world, not a call for action. " Jones argues that the logic of the premillennialisttheology is based upon three core beliefs: freewill individualism,relationalism, and antistructuralism. "Spelled out, freewill individualism means that, forwhite evangelicals, individuals exist independent of structures andinstitutions, have freewill, and are individually accountable for theiractions.