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Like the trees, evergreen content is considered sustainable and lasting. Maybe you are thinking, Hey, wait a minute. All content online is sustainable; the articles and blog posts dont ever disappear. When we talk about a piece of content being evergreen, we mean that evergreen content is content that continues to be relevant long past its publication, so traffic grows over time. To better clarify what kind of writing is considered evergreen, we can examine what types of pieces are specifically not evergreen. Evergreen web content has virtually no expiration date and ideally will retain its value over the long term. Anything written about this years presidential election, for example, is not evergreen content because it will become obsolete six months from now and many keywords associated with that topic will end up in the Google graveyard, never to be searched again. Writing in these formats does not automatically make your piece evergreen, but these structures tend to work well with evergreen writing. Videos are especially effective when you need to illustrate how to do something, like how to frost a cupcake or how to grout a tub. If videos arent possible, consider using a series of images photos or illustrations, diagrams, etc. to your advantage.

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Sincerely, I am not sure, and even more sincerely, I doubt it, it's jut too much, but whatever part of the road is covered, it will be posted here for the admonition, amusement, and horror of you all. Anthony Fokker needs no introduction. He was a somewhat questionable character with a keen eye for business, a quick hand to profit from the work and knowledge of others, and the ability to circumvent restrictions and occasionally the law. I have absolutely no sympathy for him, and remain unmoved by his reputed "charm", that to me leans dangerously more to "con". But he propelled from the very bottom an aviation enterprise that guaranteed him, and his creations, a place in history. His planes are an example of linear evolution up to the point of the plane we present today, starting with his WW1 types and evolving basically in size, more than in any other aspect. He took advantage of early designs that worked, and squeezed the juice of the basic elements for a long, long time. Tony knew where the bucks were, and the company installed a subsidiary in the US to fabricate his designs, among them the one I am building of 1929/30. It could be said that in a certain way his F. 32 was an F. II / F.
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, Iowa City, Iowa Registration: To register, click here. All communication regarding this course will be sent via email. Please use the best email for you that you have access to regularly. The registration deadline is June 10Scholarships are available through IowaCASA. Please access the website here: for information regarding the process and application. For those who apply, please register as pay later for the course and we will work with IowaCASA to process payment if approved.
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On November 6, 1924, just after the defeat of I49, the Bellingham Reveille argued that the measures defeat would allow many of the Klans followers to drop away from the organization. The defeat of the measure showcased the Klans ultimate political ineffectiveness in the state, and marked their decline in Washington. During the Ku Klux Klans revival during the 1920s, the organization formed a strong presence in the Pacific Northwest. In Washington, the majority of the Klans work was devoted to passing an anti Catholic school initiative and attempting to spread their particular brand of white, Protestant supremacy. Yet while Oregon passed an anti Catholic school bill in 1922, heavily backed by the Oregon Klan, Washington voters rejected a similar measureand the influence of the Washington Klantwo years later. This paper argues that the reason the bill, known as Initiative 49, did not pass in Washington State is, first of all, poor timing. Because it was placed on the ballot two years after the passing of the Oregon bill in 1922, the United States Federal Court had moved in the interim to declare the bill unconstitutional. The initiative also failed because it faced strong opposition, not only by Washington Catholics, but by many other powerful groups. The Federal Courts ruling on the Oregon bill, the strong opposition to the initiative by powerful groups in Washington politics, and the negative press reported by the majority of Washington newspapers combined to doom Initiative 49 in Washington State and to greatly limit the Klans ability to grow by the late 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan that surfaced in the 1920s formed the second wave of Klan activity in the United States. Unlike the first emergence of the Ku Klux Klan, formed in the South in 1868 and mainly concerned with keeping black people from exercising their new freedoms, the second wave of the Ku Klux Klan focused their efforts on a wider range of issues.
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1993. At the time, politicians and pundits in the West were making careers out of explaining, among so many other things, why German reunification wasnt going to happen in anyones lifetime. And they probably would have been proven right if people had stayed home and done nothing, if they hadn't begun to hope and acted on that hope. The bureaucrats on both sides of the Berlin Wall were still talking about the possibility of demilitarizing it when citizens showed up en masse and the guards began abandoning their posts. On that epochal night of November 9, 1989, the people made whole what had been broken. The lesson: showing up is half the battle. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had been so unnerved by developments in the Soviet Unions Eastern European holdings that she went to Moscow, two months before the fall of the wall, to implore Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to prevent any such thing. That was early September 1989. No dramatic change in the situation in Czechoslovakia can be expected, predicted a Czech official two months before a glorious popular uprising, remembered as the Velvet Revolution, erupted and abolished the government in which he was an official. There are three things to note about those changes in 1989. First, most people in power dismissed the possibility that such extraordinary change could happen or deplored what it might bring.