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In fact there hasnt previously been a twelve month period when rents didnt rise across our combined capitals index. he says. Darwin and Perth are dragging the broader capital cities rental indicators down with weekly rents down 13. 4% over the past year in Darwin and 8. 6% lower in Perth. Dwelling rents were also down in Brisbane 0. 7% and Adelaide 0. 4%. The largest rental increases were in Sydney and Melbourne where weekly rents rose 1. 4% higher, and 2. 1% higher respectively over the past twelve months.

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Eye witness testimony counts for absolutely nothing. Well of course there is PHYSICAL evidence for the UFO ETH of the exact same nature as that would satisfy a SETI scientist of E. T. after all SETI scientists look for a PHYSICAL signal which they can study at their leisure, not an actual E. T. in the flesh. Well, UFOs have produced PHYSICAL evidence because they too can, and have, produced a PHYSICAL signal radar returns, and there exist a fair few bona fide radar returns of UFO events that have, after due investigation, remained unidentified. Now the PHYSICAL evidence left behind by bona fide UFO radar cases, those unexplained radar cases, deserve intense respect, and the operators that interpret those radar returns. If radar operators can be trusted to distinguish a flock of birds from an incoming ICBM or foreign miliary bombers intent on doing us a mischief, the reason the radar DEW line was established and manned during the Cold War; if radar operators can have entrusted to them the lives of military and commercial pilots, crew and passengers, then they must have the ability to distinguish a radar echo from a temperature inversion from a solid object in this case the aircraft. If you fly, you entrust your very life to the ability of those radar operators to tell who's who; distinguish what's what. Sorry, but UFO radar returns are solid PHYSICAL evidence for the reality of unidentified flying objects.
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Jai pu correctement grer ma trajectoire dans le petit match trois bateaux, avec une arrive qui tait loin dtre simple. Je suis content. " 2019 12 mars, Damien Seguin revient sur les modifications d'Apicil : ballasts, drives, . e/20 en + de 4', CauL, 665 NM: 5e/21 en 1j22h11' 3h28', Tour de Groix: DNS, q: Yohan RICHOMME 27 octobre, Transat Jacques Vabre, Le Havre Bahia: 17e/59 ttc en 15j08h17', 14e/29 Imoca 1j20h17', vitesse: 11,8nds, q: Yohann RICHOMME Dcembre, le bateau rentre en France par cargo 2020 21 janvier, convoy Port La Fort et mis au sec au chantier de Jean Le Cam pour trois mois, travaux prvus: installation d'un nouveau roof fabriqu par Multipast, allgement de 500 kg, modification des ballasts, installation de nouvelles drives Puis le programme sera une traverse en solitaire vers les Aores, puis convoyage en quipage pour New York et participation la Transat New York Vende Les Sables dOlonne 10 juin, le bateau est remis l'eau et inscrit la Vende Arctique Les Sables dOlonne 16 juin, Damien Seguin est le 19e inscrit au Vende Globe 2020 16 juin, New York Vende Les Sables dOlonne: Cancelled/27, Covid 19 4 juillet, Vende Arctique, 2807 NM: DNF/20 Imoca, Damien SEGUIN 9 septembre, Dfi Azimut, Run en rade de Lorient: 15e/18 Imoca en 4'45" 15,26nds Photos reues de Thierry Dubois, 10 septembre, 48h Azimut en double, Lorient: 10e/17 Imoca en 1j22h30' 1h33' 13 septembre, Dfi Azimut, Tour de Groix: 7e/16 Imoca en 2h38' 8' 26 septembre, Lorient, Plus de photos More Pictures,Over the years, these problems have persisted or even gotten worse, and have been widely covered by the media in Croatia and abroad, chiefly in 2013 and 2018, making the general public aware of the situation. This RfC stems from "The Curious Case of Croatian Wikipedia", a 1350 word article I've written on the topic, published in the August 2019 issue of The Signpost. The article gives an overview of the negative media image of CW, and provides a number of concrete examples of extreme bias, unencyclopedic content, and administrator abuse. "The Curious Case of Croatian Wikipedia" is crucial to this RfC both in terms of background and evidence, and should be considered an integral part of it. A shortened Croatian language translation of the article has been posted here. That version omits the discussion of the media coverage, focusing exclusively on the on wiki evidence, as it unlike The Signpost version provides both the examples and the supporting diffs. Of these, two have been desysopped before: Kubura was desysopped in 2010 through a Meta Wiki RfC for misuse of admin tools, while SpeedyGonsales was desysopped and blocked for one year in 2009 for off wiki harassment and abusive behavior towards other editors. I announced The Signpost article and its Croatian translation in the CW's village pump.
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This is not a brand new strategy but still highly underutilized. This tactic is simple enough. You find domains that are expired, use archive. org to find different historic versions of the site, grab the content, check for uniqueness, and voila!I am sure most of you are familiar with archive. org but we are going to use a third party tool to gather the content. I personally do not use this tool, but some people on my team do so you are not going to get an inside peek from my machine, but I do know it can work well.
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We put the journals in the front, and the poets would read and you could pay for one of our journals if you wanted to, along with drinks or a snack. This was pre internet, I believe, or I dont think we did or factored that into a way to promote the event, oddly. Or maybe someone else did and I didnt know about it. So it was word of mouth or via email. We didnt make any money at all except towards our next journal. Our general attitude was, hey, we have a space and please come and hear all these great poets and drink and hang out.