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Revolutionizing Microfinance: Insights from the 2017 Global Symposium on Microfinance, World Bank, Group. Accessed at: World Bank Insi 3217604a. pdfWilson, T. , Wiebe, J. , and Hoffmann, P. 2005, October. Recognizing contextual polarity in phrase level sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the conference on human language technology and empirical methods in natural language processing pp. 347 354. Association for Computational Linguistics. In this post I will review and discuss the article Pipelines, Platforms, and the new rules of strategy published in Harvard business review April issue of 2016.

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Excess glucose in the bloodstream is easily converted to triglycerides by the liver and promptly stored as fat, typically around the waistline for use during leaner times. This survival mechanism worked very well for our ancestors of several hundred generations past, but times of plenty now exist regularly, several times each day for most. Humans were never metabolically wired to consume the large amount of nutrient poor calories as we do today, and it is leading to an early grave for millions. The bottom line is simple: eliminate calories from sugar sweetened beverages and lower your risk of heart disease by one fifth. Researchers reviewed the beverage consuming habits of 42,883 men in the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, and after controlling for risk factors including smoking, physical inactivity, alcohol use and family history of heart disease, they determined that daily consumption of sugar sweetened beverages resulted in a twenty percent increase in cardiovascular disease. Scientists found that less frequent consumption, on the order of twice weekly to twice monthly did not increase risk. Lead study author, Dr. Frank Hu and his team from the Harvard School of Public Health measured blood markers for cardiovascular disease in the group such as C reactive protein CRP, potentially damaging blood fats including triglycerides and oxidized LDL cholesterol as well as good lipids known as high density lipoproteins HDL. They found that compared to a group of non sweetened beverage drinkers, the test participants had significantly elevated levels of triglyceride, CRP and lower HDL levels. These findings are to be expected with excess consumption of glucose. Excess sugar in the blood, when not required for energy to fuel metabolic processes is rapidly converted to free circulating blood fats and then stored as body fat.
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Yahoo!Publisher Network is an advertising tool for online publishers to place advertisements relevant to their content to monetize their websites. Yahoo launched its new Internet advertisement sales system on February 5, 2007 called Panama. It allows advertisers to bid for search terms based on their popularity to display their ads on search results pages. The system takes bids, ad quality, click through rates and other factors into consideration in determining how ads are ranked on search results pages. Through Panama, Yahoo aims to provide more relevant search results to users, a better overall experience, as well as increase monetization to earn more from the ads it shows. On 7 April 2008, Yahoo!announced Yahoo!AMP!, an online advertising management platform. The platform seeks to simplify advertising sales by unifying buyer and seller markets. The service is scheduled for release in quarter 3 of 2008. Yahoo Next is an incubation ground for future Yahoo technologies currently in their beta testing phase. It contains forums for Yahoo users to give feedback to assist in the development of these future Yahoo technologies. About 88% of total revenues for the fiscal year 2006 came from marketing services.
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The positive plate's lead oxide is a compound of lead and oxygen. Sulfuric acid is a compound of hydrogen and the sulfate radical SO4, so the acid's chemical designation is H2SO4. Chemically, when a battery is connected to an external load a device which uses electricity it begins to discharge. As that happens, the lead in the positive plate combines with the sulfate of the acid, forming lead sulfate PBSO4 in the positive plate. Oxygen in the positive plate combines with hydrogen from the acid to form water H2O, which reduces the concentration of the acid in the electrolyte. Also, the pure lead in the negative plate combines with the sulfate, forming lead sulfate and making the positive and negative plates more alike in chemical composition. Electrons are released during this reaction, creating electric current at a specific voltage 2 volts per cell, with 6 cells in a 12 volt battery, described below. The battery voltage depends upon the chemical difference between the two plate materials and the concentration of the acid. Because the plates have become more chemically alike and the electrolyte concentration has become weaker, the voltage output gets weaker and weaker until the battery is "dead", or discharged. However, the battery can be re charged by passing an electrical current through it in the opposite direction of the discharge. The chemical reactions during a charge cycle are the reverse of those that occur during discharge.