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A kollgiumok tbbsge a Washington Square s a Union Square krnykn tallhat. A 26 emeletes Founders Hall nemcsak a legmagasabb egyetemi plet a campuszon, hanem a Huffington Post szerint Amerikban a 9. "legmenbb" kollgium. Az egyetem tovbb szmos lakssal is rendelkezik Washington Square Villageben s Stuyvesant Townban, amelyeket gradulis kpzsben rsztvev dikoknak adnak ki. The City of Fayetteville has unveiled a new Zipcar, designed to make travel around town quicker and potentially cheaper. Zipcar will be free to registered University of Arkansas students.

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Here was this man, in front of these kids, and he was really feeling sorry for himself. It was bizarre. I thought, 'What is going on here?'"The convenient answer to that question now, years later, is that A. Q. Khan was running amok, that he was an addict of sorts, unable anymore to find sufficient gratification from his activities in Pakistan, and that unbeknownst to either the Pakistani authorities or the American government he was going rogue, selling his nuclear secrets abroad. There are elements of truth in all that, as there are in most fiction. In Lahore I went to see a former finance minister named Mubashir Hasan, an engineer by training, who in his later years has become a pacifist and one of the rare critics of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program. Hasan is a thin man with a gentle demeanor. On both days we met, at his ramshackle house in a leafy district of the city, he was dressed like a saint, entirely in white. We discussed the funding of Khan's laboratory over the years, and in general terms the extent to which Saudi Arabia and other countries had contributed to it. He said, "But if you want to find out exactly where the money came from, from what country, and in return for which state secrets, or how the accounts were kept, how much was taken out by which crooksall that will remain secret for a long time.
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Due to the rising cost of gold mining without a matching rise in the price of gold, Sumpters population was in decline. Still, it was a good place to live. Granite Streets planking had been put in place in 1900, the year his hospital was built. The planks were thirty foot long 4 x 4s. He and Ida could catch a show at the Ellis Opera House, one block down from the hospital, on Granite and Mill. Of course, catching a show in those days generally meant vaudeville. One of the operas advertised was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Practically next door to the Ellis on Mill Street was Basche Hardware. Like most of the brick buildings in Sumpter, it had been built in 1899, the year before his hospital. If Claude Basche didnt have it, maybe you didnt need it. A little past Basche Hardware was the Bank of Sumpter, built in 1899.