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Dr. V. Rajasekaran, EditorNEW PERSPECTIVES IN ELT 2018Selected Papers from the National Seminar on New Perspectives in ELT Conducted by the Department of EnglishTheni Kammavar Sangam College of Technology, Theni 625534Tamilnadu, India . Editors: D. Nagarathinam, Ph. D.

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If you're in Manhattan, your GPS is not very accurate. Worse yet if you're inside a building," Abdi said. Combining barometric chips that sense minor changes in altitude with sensors that can keep track of movement will allow phones to guide their owners through places where GPS signals are out of reach. "The products we're looking at will be accurate to the sub meter. At some point in the future it will be accurate enough to tell you whether you're sitting or standing," Abdi added. InvenSense's gyroscopes and other motion tracking technology are currently used in mobile gadgets including Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S3, Amazon. com Inc's Kindle Fire HD and Google Inc's Nexus 7 tablet, although they are so far not used in Apple Inc's iPhones and iPads. The company's chips sense changes in how a tablet is being held or manipulated. They can also feel the wobbliness of a photographer's hand and compensate for it to take a better picture. Abdi declined to comment on Sunnyvale, California based InvenSense's relationship with Apple, but he said he expects to provide sensor chips to all top tier phonemakers this year. In anticipation of growing demand from current and future customers, InvenSense, which listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2011, is more than tripling its production capacity at contract manufacturing partners TSMC and GlobalFoundries.
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It would also impede many students ability to let things flow" to build writing fluency, he says. Now, some good news. Although most of the writing assignments asked students to explain something, most often to a professor, there were a significant number of exploratory assignments in the journal genre. Many of them were to be posted on online discussion boards or emails; Melzer said the internet has transformed this kind of writing for the college classroom. As one prompt says, Think of it as a conversation in writing, or as pre talking analogous to the pre writing you do for papers. Our goal is not to produce expertly crafted individual treatises, but to develop the ability to think, respond and communicate through writing.
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In fact, planetary heredityhad to be a general law of human nature, and no longer a perquisite ofsome people whose vocation was clearly marked. For five years I workedon the birth registers at several city halls in the region of Paris. Inthe total figure more than 15,000 matchings of parents and theirchildren were collected , which enabled meto calculate almost 300,000 positions of the planets" Astrology andScience 1970:157. The results repaid the huge effort and were published in L'HereditePlanetaire Planete, Paris 1966, 226 pages, as if to herald theGauquelins' own personal contribution to heredity, namely son Danielborn 22 April 1967. Parents with the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter orSaturn in a key sector tended to pass the same planet on to theirchildren, although not necessarily in the same key sector. LaterGauquelin explained how it works by reference to his own family:"To take a practical example, my mother was born at Rouen in Normandy on15 July 1900 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, just at the rise of Jupiter. I was born on 13 November 1928 at 10:15 in the evening in Paris, at theculmination of Jupiter. In both cases, Jupiter was to be found in one ofthe key zones of the sky, and one could say that there is planetaryheredity, as far as Jupiter is concerned, between my mother and myself. My sister was born in Paris on 9 October 1934 at 5 in the evening. Jupiter at that time was neither at the rise nor the culmination, andthe hypothesis of Jovian heredity between my sister and my mother hasnot been confirmed" The Truth about Astrology 1983:41. The heredity effect was increased if both parents had the same planet ina key sector.