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The principal could choose to engage cognitive processes to restore equity instead of behavioral processes. The principal could justify that the high school principal has more credentials or manages a larger number of teachers. In this way, no actual change of inputs or outcomes occur but the elementary school principal justified changes in the perception of inputs. Another cognitive process alternative would be to choose a different comparative other. The elementary principal could select other elementary school principals in the same district. This might provide a more equitable comparison, which decreases the principals perception of inequity and under reward.

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this ground up pallet wood isnt a terrible thing, but its not my thing. I like bark mulch. For growing plants, mixing in beds or in potting soil, you have to use bark mulch!You cannot use wood mulch for growing plants. No, no, no!Do not put wood mulch in your potting mix!Guess what?I made a movie about mulch, its informative. Take a peek. There are only two things that I know how to make that are worth talking about. Dirt Farmer Fudge and potting soil. My fudge is awesome, but my potting soil is better. My potting soil rocks!My potting soil recipe is actually pretty simple. I start with a pile of bark mulch. You can use hardwood bark mulch, hemlock or fir bark mulch, pine bark mulch and probably even rice hulls, but I dont have personal experience with rice hulls.
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The boars hair brush is great for getting into nooks and crannies on wheels and caliper facessides and rear can be used with the tools noted above. Wheel lug recesses can be a pain but with a boars hair brush you should not have any problems. Finally, rinse those bad boys off!If you missed spots or the filth was extra heavy, additional treatments may be needed. You should be left with a beautiful wheel when it is all said and done!And for when you must have the best of the best, get a Modesta wheel coating applied to your wheels!It will make ongoing care even easier and your wheels will be better protected for years to come. Heres an example of a set of wheels that we protected with a coating years ago. The best practices for cleaning wheels is to use tools but in this video we can see how well they clean up even when not ideally cleaned with tools. Over the years the new car protection and detailing industry has seen a boom in paint coating applications. This has been wonderful for car owners because its the next evolution in hand applied protection; up from waxes and sealants. Modern paint coatings provide owners with a thicker and harder membrane that offers better protection, along with a glossier and more lustrous paint finish that is easier to maintain. Paint coating systems can last years versus weeks to months for waxes and sealants under normal driving conditions. And while some may overstate the scratch resistance of coatings, they do provide a measure of scratch resistance that is otherwise unavailable through the use of waxes or sealants.
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in ELTA Sociolinguistic Study of Social Stratification in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Academic Performance in English at Secondary Level Education . Md. Abdur Rashid, M. A. in English and M. A. , M. Phil. , B. Ed. , Ph.
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Thus, when students are asked to reflect on an assignment, they are caught in a dilemma: "What am I supposed to do?How do I 'reflect'?I've already completed this assignment!Why do I have to think about it anymore?"In response to our questions, students who are inexperienced with reflection offer simple answers such as "This was an easy assignment!" or "I really enjoyed doing this assignment. " If we want students to get in the habit of reflecting deeply on their workand if we want them to use Habits of Mind such as applying past knowledge to new situations, thinking about thinking metacognition, and remaining open to continuous learningwe must teach them strategies to derive rich meaning from their experiences. Most classrooms can be categorized in one of two ways: active and a bit noisy, with students engaged in hands on work; or teacher oriented, with students paying attention to a presentation or quietly working on individual tasks. Each of these teaching environments sets a tone and an expectation. For example, when students work actively in groups, we ask them to use their "six inch" voices. When we ask them to attend to the teacher, we also request that they turn their "eyes front. " When they work individually at their desks, we ask them not to bother other learners. Teachers must signal a shift in tone when they ask students to reflect on their learning. Reflective teachers help students understand that the students will now look back rather than move forward. They will take a break from what they have been doing, step away from their work, and ask themselves, "What have I or we learned from doing this activity?" Some teachers use music to signal the change in thinking. Others ask for silent thinking before students write about a lesson, an assignment, or other classroom task.