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Identify the negative externality discussed in the article?b. Explain how the negative externality leads to an inefficient price and level of output. Make sure you identify any Dead Weight Loss DWLc. What solution would you recommend to the government to address the externality?7. What is the difference between scarcity and a shortage?Until recently Melbourne was subject to water restrictions. Using a graph explain how this would impact on the market. Is this an example of scarcity or a shortage?Consider the case where the government raised the price so that exactly the same amount of quantity was bought by customers as allowed for under the water restriction scenario. Use a graph to explain the impact of the market. Is this an example of a scarcity or a shortage and explain any differences if any between a price rise and a restriction of consumption. What were the two factors that lead to a decrease in the consumption of cigarettes?How does this compare to the adoption of plain packaging?Hint: how does each of these impact on demand and/or supply and why. c.

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Fuck your empty promises. I despise you. No?You certainly aren't denying King Tut, considering I requested it. I mean everyone sees I killed Brokeback Mountain. Made Mountain House happen. Costed 76 their gig and merger with evil. Atlanta, Georgia. Enterprise, Alabama. And, with so many other natual disasters, the gods will say it was my fault, and the disfavored will blindly subscribe, losing this opportunity to realize the are victims of the god's wrath, which could have helped them become genuinely god fearing, the primary goal of scapegoatting. The $100 billion was used to accomplish many goals, all of them preditory on the disfavored. Don't forget:::The other two were used to hurt people "after the fact".
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The TCRWP community of practice is focused on developing literacy rich content area instruction to support students growth in knowledge and in literacy practices across the curriculum. The TCRWP has developed a curricular calendar for content area instruction for grades 3 8 which fuses supporting students in learning content with practices in literacy. We have explored how to integrate reading and writing in the content areas through our work with schools, yearlong study groups and even a weeklong institute for the past several years. Recently, the TCRWP collaborated with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation through a generous grant that allowed educators to work with staff developers from both organizations on site at Colonial Williamsburg to draw on the collective knowledge base to learn and create new and innovative methods for content area instruction. There is specific research that supports the importance of literacy rich content area instruction. In Shaping Literacy Achievement, Integrating Literacy and Science, The Research We Have, Cervetti and colleagues 2007 found that an approach that enabled students to make connections between experience and reading, strategies and content, literary and scientific texts led to increased students strategy use, conceptual learning and text comprehension p. 159 when compared to those students who received instruction through more traditional models. In addition, Pearson, Moje, and Greenleaf 2010 state that science provides a setting in which students are intellectually obligated to make sense of data, draw inferences, construct arguments based on evidence, infer word meanings, and, of course, construct meanings for textthe very dispositions required as good readers and writers p. 460. While their research applied to science learning in particular, one could argue that it could be applied to any content area. Cervetti, G.