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Go back to November 2013. There's a piece that is clearly pro charter and there's a piece from one of the attorney's in the Vergara battle. Or you can check out the school choice piece from January 2014. Did you forget about the Arun Ramanthan piece that you commented on?It is all about data collection. That topic does not exactly toe what teachers or union members think. It is rather difficult to determine what the Go back to November 2013. Theres a piece that is clearly pro charter and theres a piece from one of the attorneys in the Vergara battle. Did you forget about the Arun Ramanthan piece that you commented on?It is all about data collection. That topic does not exactly toe what teachers or union members think. It is rather difficult to determine what the liberal line on educational issues is nowadays. Duncan, Obama, Rhee, Gates and DFER certainly do not fit your categorization of what the liberal line is.

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The Pacific Coast Highway property includes a 20,000 square foot house with eight bedrooms and 14 bathrooms, two guesthouses, a separate gym, tennis courts and a swimming pool. Marks, chairman of Oaktree Capital, and his wife, Nancy, paid $31 million for the property in 2002, when he bought it from the estate of late?Herbalife?founder Mark Hughes. As for 2012,?Oracle?CEO Larry Ellison was one of the biggest buyers in Malibu, adding two more properties to his holdings along Carbon Beach. He bought former?Yahoo?CEO Terry Semel's estate in September for $36. 9 million and Jerry Bruckheimer's home for an undisclosed amount. Ellison now owns about a dozen properties in the area known as Billionaire's Beach, including famed Japanese restaurant Nobu, and a property he's developing into a botanical gardens and art museum.
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Finley fit alors appel l'architecte Arnold W. Brunner pour raliser le projet, qui fut inspir par les souvenirs que Finley avait d'un petit thtre taill dans la roche qui tait situ dans le quartier du Trastevere Rome. Le stade avait une capacit de 6 000 places assises, chiffre qui pouvait tre augment lors d'vnements qui ne ncessitaient pas la totalit du terrain central. Il fut inaugur le 29 mai 1915, soit deux ans aprs la fin du mandat du Dr. Finley, qui avait cd sa place Sidney Edward Mezes. L'inauguration du stade se fit par une reprsentation des Troyennes du tragique grec Euripide, sous la direction de Granville Barker et Lillian McCarthy. Le Lewisohn Stadium est dtruit en 1973, pour cder la place l'actuel North Academic Center NAC, dont la construction est acheve en 1984. Le Steinman Hall, qui abrite l'cole d'ingnieurs, fut construit en 1962 sur le site de l'ancienne bibliothque Bowker Library et du Drill Hall, pour remplacer les infrastructures dj prsentes dans le Compton Hall et le Goethals Hall. Il est nomm en hommage David B. Steinman, ingnieur civil diplm en 1906. En 1963, le btiment administratif est son tour rig au nord du campus, en face du Wingate Hall.