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Epistemology and ontology of space and time and their representation in human cognition have been the focus of attention in both scientific research as well as in philosophy, aesthetics and literature. The ongoing research regards the underlying neural correlates of temporal and spatial processing, the interrelation between processes and representations of time and space, the disturbs in time and space perception, the combination of space and time into an interwoven continuum by applying mathematical models, the developments of Einsteins theory of relativity, and many further issues related with the spatio temporal cognition. As in case of the most complex and fascinating features of the human mind brain, many questions are still unanswered and require a trans disciplinary approach in order to gain new insights. During the new NHS Dialogue we intend to approach to the mysteries of Space and Time from the perspectives of disciplines like neuroaesthetics, neurocritics of art, neurophenomenology, neuropsychology, cognitive linguistics, and literary studies. Texting has pretty much taken over as a quick form of communication. Its not necessary to call someone up and waste minutes when youre able to send any text come up with your period.

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My name is Kamal Singh Rawat. By profession, I am a Sr. Software Developer. Like any other developer, I had always been busy in projects, writing code and so on. I was spending my life as a typical developer. But I had no idea that my life is going to change soon. I may not be the best author in the world, but I truly believe in knowledge sharing and learning. So, here it goes. This is how it all started. I saw many authors got famous from C Corner, got MVP awards and many more accolades. This encouraged me to post my first ever article.
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Another is that we need people to critique us. As long as I have been doing public presentations, I still have those whom I ask for help. Do you need someone to critique you?Need help with your stage presence, style, or speaking pace?Looking for the hook in your presentation?Let me help. Are you a pastor or teacher?Sometimes its not what you say, rather, it is how you say it. Thats where a coach comes in. A good coach can spot the areas where you need help and set you on a course to fix the big and little things.
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Next, the technician must inspect the tire, repairing defects. Lastly, the technician fills holes in the tire with rubber, applies a cement gum adhesive, and places the tire on a machine which will apply a new tread. Agricultural The agricultural tire classification includes tires used on farm vehicles, typically tractors and specialty vehicles like harvesters. High flotation tires are used in swampy environments and feature large footprints at low inflation pressures. Racing NASCAR tires Racing tires are highly specialized according to vehicle and race track conditions. This classification includes tires for top fuel dragsters, drift racers, Xtreme off road racing, oval track racers, jet powered trucks, and monster trucks as well as the large market race tires for Formula One, NASCAR, rallying, MotoGP and the likes. Tires are specially engineered for specific race tracks according to surface conditions, cornering loads, and track temperature. Tires have also been specially engineered for drifting. Racing tires are often engineered to minimum weight targets, so tires for a 500 mile race may run only 100 miles before a tire change. Some tire makers invest heavily in race tire development as part of the company's marketing strategy and a means of advertising to attract customers with the same likes. Racing tires are often not legal to use on normal highway usage.
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Creditors who appear on the schedules of debts that you file with the court will be served with notice of the bankruptcy, and are thus informed of the stay. If you are contacted by a creditor about a debt after filing for bankruptcy, tell your attorney immediately. It is important that your attorney know not only of improper contacts, but also of the possibility that a creditor was omitted from the list of creditors you submitted with your bankruptcy petition, or of the possibility that notice was not properly served upon the creditor. If a creditor intentionally violates the automatic stay, your attorney may bring their misconduct to the attention of the bankruptcy court and ask that the creditor be held in contempt of court. Reaffirmation is a procedure through which you agree to pay a debt that would otherwise be discharged in bankruptcy. For example, you may want to keep your car after filing for bankruptcy, and thus may agree with your lender to continue to be responsible for the car loan. Debtors should cautious with reaffirmation, as once a debt is reaffirmed a debtor continues to owe the debt as if no bankruptcy petition was filed. If you make the choice to reaffirm a debt, you will file a reaffirmation agreement with the bankruptcy court. The court will evaluate that agreement to determine if it:You may be able to cancel a reaffirmation agreement within sixty days of filing it with the court, or before your bankruptcy petition is approved. Some debtors will not seek reaffirmation of a debt, but will instead simply make payments on their debt pursuant to their loan agreements with their secured creditors. Most car and mortgage lenders will not pursue repossession or foreclosure if they are receiving timely payments, even if the debtor does not reaffirm the debt.